Shopper Data Collected by Supermarkets - How they Use it & Why!!!!
Supermarket Data : Every time you Enter Supermarket or Shop to pick your Groceries and you then Scan your Clubcard or Retailer Loyalty Card that Supermarket or shop Gathers more information about you and your behavior. From the time you came into the Shop to what you bought, they build a database of you and how you shop. This Allows them to see whats in your basket, What type of foods you buy and how many times you repeat this cycle. This information is very useful not just to the retailer as it allows them to Schedule Staff Rotas to ensure the shop is fully stocked for key periods of the day to ensure they right stock is coming in on time and its on the shelves to buy, But the Retailers also sell on this Data to Suppliers and Suppliers Love it. It allows Suppliers to see who is buying their Brand, When they Buy it and what else is in their Basket or Trolley. They can learn a huge amount about what the Consumer is doing and looking for. It also allows the Supplier to s...