The Role of Big Data in the Fitness industry and the use of technology with a focus on Peloton.

 Peloton is a cycling company that focus on selling technology enabled exercise bikes with HD multi-touch LED video screens that provide an at home fitness class. Peloton was created in 2012. Peloton live-stream cycling classes from its exercise studio in New York City and sells a monthly subscription service to its users.

Peloton trade through three revenue streams, exercise bike sales, subscription fees, and live cycling class fees. Remote users can see their performance data on a leaderboard live with others in the studio and across the world. Approximatley 450 cyclists join a live-streaming each time it is streamed.

Peloton utilise the latest technology into the design of its stationary cycling "spin" bikes to give indoor cycling a new and exciting experience. They have created a realistic cycling class environment for an in home user. The idea is to make access to fitness as easy as possible for the end user. There is no commute or sign in for class. You can compete with others to achieve best goals and all from the comfort of your own home. These design features heighten the user experience by creating the most ergonomic and advanced ride.

Peloton also use the latest broadcasting technology and use sensors to improve cycling for its bike users. Peloton stream 12 live cycling classes per day at their indoor cycling hub in NYC. These classes are broadcast to the consoles on Peloton bikes and to Peloton’s mobile and tablet app, and can be streamed live or viewed on-demand for a monthly subscription fee. If a remote user is taking a live-streaming Peloton class, the instructor can see the user’s data and engage with user with encouragement tailored to that individual. 

All Peloton bikes are complete with two sensors that collect RPM and resistance data when a user is cycling. The data is sent from these sensors to the bike’s LED screen/console to collect additional metrics that indicate a user’s performance and tracks progress of each user. The console runs an operating system that collects user data and sends it to Peloton’s cloud platform. This data is then managed in the cloud and is redistributed in real time to users who are also taking the same live-stream class. 

The technology Peloton use makes the at home cycling experience very interactive and has transformed this industry to the benefit of the end user.  



  1. Hi Michelle,

    Great article! Before stumbling across your article the peloton bike was only something i was aware of thanks to the new TV series "And Just Like That', however, I assumed it was just a generic stationary workout bike that you would find in any gym.

    Thanks to your article, I now have a better understanding of what peloton is, and why they are becoming so popular in the fitness industry today. I love the concept of the interactivity with the live-stream classes, it sounds like great fun! I would definitely consider taking part in the peloton phenomenon after reading your article.



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  3. HI Michelle

    Really enjoyed this article. I find the Peleton business really interesting. They have come from no where to be the next big thing. I recently found some great podcasts and interviews with the founder.


  4. great post
    great tips and some excellent takeaways and food for thought.


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