Benefits & Challenges of using Customer Data for marketing


                                        Benefits & Challenges of using Customer Data for Marketing 

Customer Data is a very important tool for marketing purposes but it also has its positives and negatives. 


Personalise Marketing Campaigns :   By collecting Customer Data it allows us to mine that data so we can use it to best target the Customers we want to attract.  This was you can manage your budget better to target the correct People.

Retain Customers:  this allows us to customers quickly and efficiently. By having specific customer data that can be easily accessed. 

Understanding Customer Needs: Customer Data can be used to understand when customers are most likely to purchase based on their prior behaviours. This will also allow you improve your sales process and it lets you see which needs are important to them.

Maximising the Results ; Here we can weed out all the information we need to better target in future campaigns.  Use the Result to streamline your spend and Budget.  Better Return for your investment and time.


Being Accountable with Customers:

There can be a lot of Drawbacks if data is used wrong or incorrectly. Customers should always be aware that their data is being collected and used by companies no matter how small. Understanding why is also  it is been used is important. 

Data Protection:

In todays world consumers need to be more protective of their rights around the data they share with companies. Until you understand what data you share with them and how they use it you need to be aware as to what the use it for. If it gets into the wrong hands it can damage your credit history etc.

Follow Compliance & Regs:

Any Marketing company needs to be held accountable for any activity they use Customer data for. Making sure they are following the rules and regs can take up a lot of time and money .  This has only got more complicated with latest laws around GDPR.


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